Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Project Management- Grand Wines

Question: Discuss about the Project Management- Grand Wines. Answer: Swot Analysis Strengths 1. Grand wines have a strong group of sales representatives 2. The sales representatives operate over 400 liquor and wine store in New South Wales 3. Grand wines have a strong brand value 4. The infrastructure of the company is highly stable with a central database system 5. It also have a set of loyal customers Weakness 1. Grand wine still uses manual system for inputting the data 2. There is an increase in error input due to manual entry 3. The data server of Grand Wine is located in Sydney far away from the operating area 4. The customer satisfaction level of Grand wine is decreasing 5. The supply speed is slower due to manual management Opportunity 1. The strong infrastructure helps the company to expand its business globally 2. It have the opportunity to upgrade their current business process 3. The expanding growth of the market opens new opportunity 4. It can increase the loyalty of the customer giving special offers 5. The implementation of the wireless data entry system would help to provide real time information Threats 1. The company might face legal issue during the implementation of the wireless data entry device 2. The lack of research can cause to install an outdated product (Bull et al., 2016) 3. The installed device may have connectivity issues and data may be lossed 4. The installation of the new device may exceed the proposed budget 5. The competitors may have more upgraded device which operates more efficiently Project Charter Date: 21st December 2016 Project Title: Wireless Data Entry Device implementation in Grand Wines Project Start Date: 4 Jan 2017 Project End Date: July 2017 Budget Information: $60000.00 Project Manager: Name of the Student, Student_Email, Student_ph_No Project Objectives: To decrease the time required for sending and receiving the sales representative data To install the Wireless data entry device to increase the supply rate and reduce human error To align the new system with the current operation of the business To increase the delivery rate, efficiency of the system, monitoring the available stock and increase in the satisfaction of the customer To implement the latest technology for a long term sustainability in the market Acceptance Criteria The requirement of the company must be fulfilled due to the installation of the new wireless data entry device The device should be installed in the system within a time limit of six months The stakeholders associated with the project should be satisfied for the meeting the needs and increasing the usability of the system The project should be completed with the proposed time duration i.e. July 2017 The business should be benefited from the implementation of the new device The satisfaction level and the loyalty of the customer should be increased after the completion of the project Assumptions and Constraints It is expected that the necessity of the implementation of the new wireless data entry device would be met and it would be finished in the proposed time of six months. The developing team taking a shot at the advancement of the project would not withdraw in the course span of the development. The project manager has what it takes for the administration of the project and deliver it on time. The organization would not confront any lawful issues amid the implementation of the new gadget. Limitation for the execution of the new gadgets incorporates the resistance of the sales agents with respect to the utilization of the new gadgets. The sales agents may likewise confront availability issues when utilizing the gadgets and along these lines, the framework may not perform as indicated by the prerequisite of the organization. The execution cost may likewise surpass the proposed spending plan and the project manager is mindful to make an alleviation anticipating the project. StakeholderList Stakeholder No Name and Signature Role and Responsibility Position Contact Information 1 Project Sponsor Provides monetary support for the development of the project and monitors the progress Sponsor 2 Chief Executive Director Supervises the progress of the development and coordinates with the project manager Member of Bard of Director 3 Project Manager Supervises and controls the development of the project and maintains the necessary documents for the project Manager 4 Business Analyst Analyses the requirement for the implementation of the wireless data entry device into the system Analyst 5 Network Technician Analyses the proposed device and identifies the present network for aligning it with the current business process Technician 6 IT Consultant Gives information about the latest technology available in the market and the changes required in the infrastructure to increase the compatibility of the new device Consultant 7 Hr Department Manages the human resource working in the organization and maintain their payment Manager Lessons Learned As a project manager for the project of implementation of new wireless data entry device, I have learned new things that would help me in future. The roles and responsibility of the stakeholders are understood and the phases of the gathering of requirement for developing a new project are learned. The creation of the project charter and communication plan is also learned from the assignment. In the assignment, there is a requirement for assuming different factors that would help the project manager for the advancement of the project. The constraints that may act as a barrier for the progress of the project is also identified and the purpose creation of the communication plan. The agenda for arranging meeting with the different stakeholder associated with the project is also required to be made and managing the organizational change is also the responsibility of the project manager. Charter Signoff Stakeholder List Signature of the stakeholder Date Project Sponsor (Please Fill) (Please Fill) Chief Executive Director (Please Fill) (Please Fill) Project Manager (Please Fill) (Please Fill) Business Analyst (Please Fill) (Please Fill) Network Technician (Please Fill) (Please Fill) IT Consultant (Please Fill) (Please Fill) Hr Department Communication Plan Template Plan purpose The communication plan is an effective element for the project and the success of the project depends on the efficiency of the communication plan created to communicate with the different stakeholders (, 2016). The communication plan increases the involvement of the stakeholders into the development process of the project and thus resulting in development of a quality solution for the business. Change management The changes in the organization is managed by the project manger and if there is a change in the requirement of the organization, the project manager is required to arrange meeting with the higher level of management to take decision (Svejvig Andersen, 2015). The project manager should follow the communication plan to communicate with the different level of employees and managers. Meeting agenda The successful implementation of the wireless data entry device into the business process of the organization is done through communicating with the stakeholders associated with the project. The project manager arranges meetings with the managers and the employees with a proper agenda such that the specific problem is discussed in the meeting. Stakeholder Information to be shared Frequency of information exchange Location of information exchange Purpose of communication Mechanism for communication Project Sponsor The progress of work regarding the development of the project Monthly Conference hall, Email Provide the overall view of the progress of the project and take confirmation Email and meeting Chief Executive Director The information of the stakeholders associated with the development of the project Quarterly CEO office Review the requirement of the project and align it with the organizational needs Meeting and Email Project Manager The requirement specification document and the current progress of the development Weekly Project manager office and conference hall Documentation of the progress of the work and communicate with the upper level management regarding the development of the project Phone call, email and meeting Business Analyst The information of the company and the proposed budget for the development of the project Weekly Conference hall and project manager office Take feedback for the implementation of the wireless data entry device chose the best method for the implementation. Phone call, Email and Meeting Network Technician The current network layout and the information of the data servers and storage information of the business organization Monthly Conference hall, Project manager office Reduce the cost of deployment of the new device using the current framework of the organization Phone call, Email and Meeting IT Consultant The Current framework and the infrastructure of the company and the requirement of the organization Monthly Conference hall, Email The IT consultant suggests the changes required in the framework for the implementation of the new wireless data entry system. Phone Call, Email and Meeting HR Department The available number of employees and resources available in the organization Weekly HR desk and Email To efficiently manage the human resources the organization and efficiently manage the expense and the over head cost incurred for the development of the project Email, Phone Call and Meeting Bibliography Bull, J. W., Jobstvogt, N., Bhnke-Henrichs, A., Mascarenhas, A., Sitas, N., Baulcomb, C., ... Carter-Silk, E. (2016). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework.Ecosystem Services,17, 99-111. Home Page. (2016).Grand Wine Spirits. Retrieved 21 December 2016, from Joslin, R., Mller, R. (2015). Relationships between a project management methodology and project success in different project governance contexts.International Journal of Project Management,33(6), 1377-1392. Svejvig, P., Andersen, P. (2015). Rethinking project management: A structured literature review with a critical look at the brave new world.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), 278-290.

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